Customer Overview

Customer is a growing Information Technology company with offices spread across multiple geographies.

Business Challenge

  • Client has over 1,000 employees with high mobility across multiple sites.
  • Problem 1: Accurate attendance data is crucial due to business nature and clientele.
  • Problem 2:  Coworking space locations pose security risks due to high foot traffic from external parties.
  • Issue with Current System: ID card verification is unreliable (forgotten IDs) and prone to tailgating (inaccurate data).
  • Limitations of Existing Solutions: Turnstiles are too expensive and impractical due to building limitations.

Our Solution

The solution had to be fast, accurate,  hassle free and should run on a low footprint device that will be positioned at all entry/exit points. The solution should not be dependent on always on internet connection and all meta data needed to validate and employee must be available locally, on device.

Face Recognition -Inference Pipeline

Optimizations and Sub-Problems Involved

Business Value Delivered

  • Achieved an inference speed of 200 milliseconds from In-camera frame to authenticated
  • Accuracy of 99.21% on over a 10,000 validation points and over 100 distinct identities
  • Deployed on small footprint devices such as Intel NUC